
Tailored Recruitment Solutions: Choosing Between Executive Search and Contingent Recruiting

When it comes to finding the right talent, companies often weigh up the options of retained executive search and contingent recruiting. These methods offer different ways to hire, each with its advantages. Let's dive into what they entail and how they can benefit your business. 

Retained Executive Search: Finding Top Talent with Precision

Retained executive search is like having a personal talent scout. You partner with a specialized firm to find the best candidates for crucial roles. It's a focused process where you pay upfront for exclusive attention from the search firm.

Why Choose Retained Executive Search: 

  • Access to Top Talent: Retained search firms have extensive networks to find high-quality candidates, even those not actively looking for jobs.

  • Exclusive Commitment: By paying upfront, you ensure the search firm dedicates time and effort to finding the perfect fit for your role.

  • Tailored Process: Retained search allows for a personalized approach, including thorough assessments and targeted outreach to find the ideal candidate.

  • Multi-Hire Solutions: It's great for companies hiring for multiple important roles. The dedicated attention ensures consistency and quality across hires.

Looking for a Retained Executive Search?

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Contingent Recruiting: Flexibility with Results

Contingent recruiting is like having multiple agents working to find the best fit. Recruiters are paid only when they successfully place a candidate. It offers flexibility and speed in finding talent.

Why Choose Contingent Recruiting:

  •  Cost-Effectiveness: You only pay when a candidate is hired, reducing financial risk.

  • Speed and Flexibility: It allows for quick sourcing and presentation of candidates, adapting to changing hiring needs.

  • Diverse Options: With multiple recruiters working on the same job, you get access to a wider pool of candidates. 

Choosing the Right Approach 

Deciding between retained executive search and contingent recruiting depends on your hiring needs and priorities. Each offers tailored solutions to help you find the best talent for your organization's success. 

Explore Tailored Talent Solutions with Us


Selby Jennings Talent Solutions in Hong Kong 

At Selby Jennings, we're your trusted talent partner, offering personalized recruitment solutions tailored to your needs. With expertise in executive search and contingent recruiting, we help financial sciences & services businesses in Hong Kong navigate talent acquisition with confidence. 

Why Choose Us: 

  • Industry Expertise: We understand the local market and specialize in finding talent that fits your industry. 

  • Global Reach: Our extensive network ensures access to top talent worldwide.

  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our approach to address your unique challenges and goals.

  • Strategic Partnership: We're more than just recruiters; we're partners committed to your success.

  • Proven Excellence: Our track record speaks for itself, with satisfied clients and successful hire.

Ready to find the talent you need to grow? Connect with us today to discuss how we can help.